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As Employers Struggle To Find Workers, Job Listings Paying Less Than $15 an Hour Are Starting To Disappear

MarketWatch (11/11/21) Buchwald, Elisabeth

As a result of the tight labor market in the U.S., more employers are offering more than $15 an hour, according to the latest data from the job listing site Indeed.com. Since the depths of the pandemic, there has been a steady climb in the number of job postings across all wages levels on Indeed. But in recent weeks, job postings that pay below $15 an hour have slowed compared to ones that pay more.

“At the beginning of the pandemic, low advertised wage job postings, such as for loading & stocking and personal care & home health, recovered quickest and were often for critical roles as society shuttered at large,” said AnnElizabeth Konkel, an economist at the Indeed Hiring Lab. “But since the delta surge in late summer, low advertised wage job postings started to lag middle and high advertised wage job postings, with a current spread of more than five percentage points,” she added.

Read the full article here.