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Job Openings Up 43% Year Over Year in February

Staffing Industry Analysts (03/29/22)

There were 11.3 million job openings in the US in February, which is down 0.2% from January but up 43.3% year over year, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported.

Job openings remained at a near-record level in February, ABC News reported.

Job openings fell by 63,000 in “finance and insurance” and by 39,000 in “nondurable goods manufacturing.” However, they rose by 32,000 month over month in “arts, entertainment, and recreation.” Other sectors where job openings rose included “educational services,” up 26,000, and the “federal government,” up by 23,000.

Separations were little changed, rising by just 0.8% month over month. They were up 12.8% year over year.

The quits component of separations was little changed at 4.4 million. Quits increased by 74,000 in “retail trade,” by 22,000 in “durable goods manufacturing,” and by 14,000 in “state and local government education.” However, they decreased by 30,000 in “finance and insurance.”

See the full original article here.