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US Job Openings Fall to 9.9 Million

Staffing Industry Analysts (04/04/2023)

The number of US job openings fell to 9.9 million in February, a decrease of approximately 632,000 or 6.0% from January, according to seasonally adjusted numbers released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Openings were at their lowest in nearly two years, Yahoo Finance reported.

The number of hires was little changed at 6.2 million and 4.0% in February, while total separations also remained little changed at 5.8 million.

Meanwhile, the number and rate of quits — which are generally voluntary separations initiated by the employee — edged up to 4.0 million, an increase of 4% month over month.

On the other hand, layoffs and discharges fell by 13% in February to 1.5 million.

The job openings data comes out in advance of the jobs numbers, which will be released on Friday for March.

This article originally appeared on staffingindustry.com. Use this link to see the full article: US JOB OPENINGS FALL TO 9.9 MILLION IN FEBRUARY, LOWEST LEVEL IN NEARLY TWO YEARS