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Manufacturing May Need 3.8 Million Employees by 2033

Manufacturing May Need 3.8 Million New Employees by 2033

Staffing Industry Analysts (04/03/24)

The US manufacturing sector could require 3.8 million new workers by 2033, but over half of these positions might remain vacant due to the skills gap and a shortage of applicants. Digital skills are increasingly essential in manufacturing, with a notable surge in demand for skills such as simulation software expertise. Fast-growing roles in the sector include statisticians, data scientists, engineers, and computer and information systems managers. Manufacturers are expanding talent pipelines through partnerships with technical colleges, industry associations, universities, and other organizations to address the talent gap and improve job attraction and retention.

This article originally appeared on staffingindustry.com. Use this link to see the full article: MANUFACTURING MAY NEED 3.8 MILLION NEW EMPLOYEES BY 2033