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Thanksgiving Food Drive – November 1-21, 2023

Thanksgiving is all about coming together to share love and gratitude, and at Graham, we’re incredibly thankful for our community. Graham is grateful for being able to contribute to its community, whether it be through jobs, networking, events, or donations. This year, we’re making a difference by hosting a Thanksgiving food drive to support families in need during the holiday season. 
From Nov 1st to Nov 21st, you can drop off your donations during business hours (M-F, 8 am – 5 pm) at our Greensboro office: 424 Gallimore Dairy Rd, Suite A.
What can you donate? Think “shelf-stable” and nonperishable items – stuff that won’t go bad. And please make sure the items haven’t reached their “sell-by” date. Here are some suggestions:
  • Peanut butter
  • Canned soup
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned stew
  • Canned fish
  • Canned beans
  • Pasta (whole grain preferred)
  • Rice (brown rice preferred)
In addition to food, we’ll be accepting personal care and household items. Many families struggle to afford these necessities, and they’re not typically covered by other food assistance programs. Your support means the world to us and our community members in need. Thank you for joining us in this meaningful effort!